Database for study in financial economics 1. Data on financial development Financial Development Index 2. Data on financial inclusion Global Financial Inclusion 3. Credit database Credit to non-financial sectors 4. Economic growth Global economic development 5. Digitalisation Internet user 6. Income inequality 7. Institutions Economic Freedom Index Worldwide governance index ICRG database
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It's bee a while.. Here some useful website that provides rich database on secondary data. It's free. Penn World Table Bank International Settlement World Bank Database IMF data UNCTAD Penn World Table 9.0 The paid version CEIC Datastream - only available for subscribers only for companies Bankscope - for subscribers only Osiris World bank also provides enterprise survey Enjoy.. chill :)
Winning FRGS Award
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Assalamualaikum dan selamat petang. ππPerkongsian tips frgs oleh Dr Halim.ππ 1. Pilih tajuk yg betul2 boleh meyakinkan penilai. Kebanyakan penilai akn screen tajuk dulu.kalau tajuk xbest/xkena, proposal tidak dinilai. permohonan banyak, 1st action taken by the evaluator, akn tgk title dulu. Title ok, br tgk content Tajuk jgn sama dgn org, dan pastikan "rare". Macammana nk check tajuk dah ramai org buat atau tidak: "GOOGLE" 2. Executive summary kena mantop. 3. Mix of members.ada dm45, dm52/54. Dr, non dr. 4. Members: min 2, max 5. 5. Research method, mention details on how to collect interview: permisson to conduct interview, dll. 5. Gant chart/appendix yg berkaitan: sila buat yg baru. 10 proposal gunapakai gant chart yg sama ππ 6. Seeloknya budget jgn lebih pd rm100k. 7. Highlight proposal kita dgn goverment policy,nkra 8. Updates resume ketua, dan ahli.
5 Steps to Download The Most Cited Article
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Salamualaikum Why does it matter to know the most cited article/research/journal for your thesis or research? The problem will arise when your examiner or reviewer may asked "this paper is really famous in the field, why you did not cite or quote at all?" "have your read this article?" 'why don't you rea this article? this article is really important for your argument in this filed?" So, before you culture shock with those questions. make sure to have those article at first. Or this article might be new light for your research. Step 1: Go to Type the keyword in your interest of research and enter. It might appear like this Step 2: Go to the right side up above the list of paper, click "cited by" . So the most cited paper appeared the first in the list. Step 3: If you wish to download all the abstract of the paper form this keyword, select "All...
Words to Find Research Gap
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Why are you conducting a new research? Basically, you want to provide fill an emptiness of the cup that others not able to do so. Means, there are gaps that require being top pup with, but yet nobody does. but then, you are the one who is interested in filling that gaps. So, how to identify that gaps in literature research? There are few words: 1. Most important 2. little attention 3. scarce 4. no conclusive 5. no comprehend 6. lack 7. absence 8. need to identify 9. deficiency 10. insufficiency 11. shortfall 12. neglect 13. deficient 14. failed to 15. inadequate So, anything refers to imperfect, that is gap. So enjoy your reading. psssss// just use quick research if you read using electronic devices CTRL F :)
Stop Complaining, Just Focus on Success
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" While doing research, we may need help from our colleagues, friends, and spouse to help us doing some chores or at least please understand our tough journey. Yet, not all will understand and feel like to assist us. So stop complaining about their less understanding, just focus on how to solve and getting success. " Please read till the end and practice for your research work. Brilliant article, just couldn't resist sharing.. Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar I was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing I noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for me. He handed me a laminated card and said: 'I'm Wasu, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.' Taken aback, I read the c...
Who is the most successful children in future?
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Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish - Fatir:29 That He may give them in full their rewards and increase for them of His bounty. Indeed, He is Forgiving and Appreciative. Fatir:30 They arise from [their] beds; they supplicate their Lord in fear and aspiration, and from what We have provided them, they spend. Assajdah:16 Our aim is to bring best akhlak among our children and future generation accustomed with 'infaq' spending our wealth in the cause of Allah. 1. Educate our children to find halal source of rezqi 2. Educate our children to save some our money. (fitrah anak-anak ke ibu dan ayah, bukan cari mak dan ayah untuk cari susu dan makan, tetapi memandang ibu bapa bagaimana untuk mengurus hidup ini. Antara cara didik anak kurang boros dan banyak bersedekah, m...