Alhamdulillah, someone sent me this list. Thanks to adik Mohamad Norafif and credit to owner of the list Shariza Azizan a Research Assistant in UKM

This is some of the list. if you wish to have more list of scholarship, please leave your email. Tq

Trinity College Online Course On Mobile Computing With App Inventor
Provided by: Trinity College & edX
Courses: Online Course Subjects: Mobile Computing With App Inventor
Eligible Students: Worldwide Students
Application Deadline Course starts on October 19, 2015
Apply Now
Tags: Computer Science, University MOOC

 Canadian Government Doctoral Research Scholarships for International Students, 2016/2017
Provided by: Government of Canada
Courses: Doctoral Studies Subjects: Natural sciences, mathematics and engineering fields.
Eligible Students: International students
Application Deadline November 1st, 2015

Asia Leadership Fellow Program (ALFP) in Japan, 2016
 Provided by: The International House of Japan and the Japan Foundation
Courses: Collaborative and individual research/exchange activities
Eligible Students: Northeast-, Southeast- and South-Asian countries and regions.
Application Deadline December 25, 2015
Tags: 2015, 2016, Asia, Fellowship, Japan, Nepal Newsletter, research, September Week 4, Updated Scholarships

Harvard University Online Course On Global Health Case Studies
Provided by: Harvard University & edX
Courses: Online Course Subjects: Global Health
Eligible Students: Worldwide Students
Application Deadline Course starts in January, 2016
Tags: 2016, Harvard, online course, Public Health, University MOOC

UNIL Masters Grants for International Students in Switzerland, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: University of Lausanne, Switzerland
                        Courses: Masters Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 15 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, GRANTS, Master's, September Week 4, Switzerland, University of Lausanne, Upcoming Scholarships 2015, Updated Scholarships

                        Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders in USA, 2016
                        Provided by: The U.S. Department of State and IREX
                        Courses: Academic coursework and leadership training Subjects: Business and Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, or Public Management.
                        Eligible Students: AFRICAN STUDENTS
                        Application Deadline November 11, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Africa, Fellowship, Government, IREX, September Week 4, USA

                        Google Software Developer Internship For Summer 2016, Canada
                        Provided by: Google
                        Courses: Internship Subjects:  Software Engineering
                        Eligible Students: International applicants
                        Application Deadline February 29, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Canada, Engi neering, Google, International , Internship, Paid, PhD, Summe r

                        Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) for Singaporean and International Students, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
                        Courses: PhD Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: Singaporean and International Students
                        Application Deadline 30 November 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Graduate, International, Nanyang Technological University, PhD, Scholarship, Scholarship Funding, September Week 4, Singapore, Singapore Newsletter

                        Environmental Fellowship Program at Harvard University in USA, 2016
                        Provided by: Harvard University, United States of America
                        Courses: Two year Fellowship Program Subjects: Environmental Program
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline January 13, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, Harvard University, International, PhD, September Week 4, Updated Scholarships, USA

                        International Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship at University of Sydney in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: University of Sydney, Australia
                        Courses: Postgraduate Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Courses within Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
                        Eligible Students: International Students other than Australia or New Zealand
                        Application Deadline 31 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, arts, Australia, I nternational, Postgraduate, Sc holarship, Social Sciences, University of Sydney

                        Harvard University Online Course On Data Wise
                        Provided by: Harvard University and edX
                        Courses: Online Course Subjects: Data Wise, Collaborative Process to Improve Learning & Teaching
                        Eligible Students: Worldwide Students
                        Application Deadline Self-Paced
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Harvard, online course

                        Google Site Reliability Engineering Internship In Germany & Switzerland, 2016
                        Provided by: Google
                        Courses: Internship Subjects:  Software Engineering
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline December 31st, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Engineering, Germa ny, Google, International, Int ernship, Paid, Switzerland

                        XJTLU Entry Scholarships for International Students in China, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University, China
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree Program Subjects:
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 15th June 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, China, International, Scholarship, September Week 4, Undergraduate, Updated Scholarships, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

                        Business School International Scholarships for India, Kenya, Nigeria and Vietnam, 2016
                        Provided by: Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Undergraduate Programme
                        Eligible Students: Students of India, Kenya, Nigeria and Vietnam
                        Application Deadline 31 May, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, accounting, Busine ss, Economics, Finance, India,  Kenya, Nigeria, scholarships,  UK, Undergraduate, University of Leeds, Vietnam

                        International Research Studentships at University of Reading in UK, 2016
                        Provided by: University of Reading, United Kingdom
                        Courses: PhD and Research Program Subjects:
                        Eligible Students: International (non-EU) candidates
                        Application Deadline 29th January 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, arts, Humanities,  International, Life Sciences, PhD, research, Scien ce, Social Science, Studentship

                        Wikimedia Foundation Legal Internship Programme In USA, 2015
                        Provided by: Wikimedia Foundation
                        Courses: Internship Subjects:  Law
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline Contact Employer
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: International, Internshi p, Law, Spring, unpaid, USA

                        CBS Innovation International Scholarship for Undergraduates in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: Curtin University, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate degree programme Subjects: Business Information Systems, Business Information Technology and Business Information Technology and Systems
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline 20-November-2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, Commerc e, Curtin University, Featured, Internat ional, scholarships, Undergrad uate

                        Developing Excellence Scheme (DES) for UK and International Applicants in UK, 2016
                        Provided by: Imperial College London, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Undergraduate or Postgraduate Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Courses
                        Eligible Students: UK and International Applicants
                        Application Deadline 18 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Imperial College London, International, Postgra duate, Scholarship, UK, Underg raduate

                        Campbell Fellowship for Transformative Research on Women in the Developing World, 2016
                        Provided by: Vera R. Campbell Foundation, United States of America
                        Courses: Six or Nine-month Residential Fellowship Subjects:  Fellowship offers paths to concrete, practical strategies for improving their health, prosperity, and general well-being
                        Eligible Students: Women scholars from Developing countries
                        Application Deadline November 1, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, Intern ational, USA, women

                        RMIT International English Language Scholarship in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: RMIT University, Australia
                        Courses: English for Academic Purposes program (ELICOS) Subjects: English
                        Eligible Students: Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea or Japan
                        Application Deadline 6 November 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, English , Japan, Korea, RMIT University, Scholarship, Taiwa n, Vietnam

                        CRI Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in USA and Abroad, 2016
                        Provided by: Cancer Research Institute
                        Courses: Postdoctoral Program Subjects:
                        Eligible Students: International Applicants
                        Application Deadline 1 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, International, Pos tdoctoral, Study Abroad, USA

                        Victoria University ASEAN Scholarships for Brunei and Singapore in New Zealand, 2016
                        Provided by: Victoria University of Wellington and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), New Zealand
                        Courses: PhD Degree Program Subjects:
                        Eligible Students: Singapore and Brunei
                        Application Deadline 1 July 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, ASEAN, Brunei, New Zealand, scholarships, September Week 4, Singapore, Updated Scholarships, Victoria University

                        University of Bristol Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship for UK and International Students, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: University of Bristol, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Undergraduate Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: Home (UK and EU) and International Students
                        Application Deadline 15th January 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, EU, Europe, Intern ational, Scholarship, UK, Unde rgraduate

                        ITMO University Fellowships and Visiting Professorships Program in Russia, 2015
                        Provided by: The St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) (supported by Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)
                        Courses: Research Programme
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline 15 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowships, International, Postdoctoral, research, Russia, September Week 4, Updated Scholarships

                        Science Engineering and Health Scholarships for Indian Undergraduate Students in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: RMIT University, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree Program Subjects: Science, Engineering and Health
                        Eligible Students: Students of India
                        Application Deadline 1 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, Enginee ring, Health, India, RMIT University, Scholarship, Scien ce, Undergraduate

                        CEU IAS Senior and Junior Core Fellowships for International Applicants in Hungary, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University, Hungary
                        Courses: Research Program Subjects: Social Sciences and Humanities
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline October 26, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Fellowship,  Humanities, Hungary, Internati onal, research, Social Science

                        Hull University Business School Fully-Funded PhD Scholarship in UK, 2015-2016
                        Provided by: University of Hull, United Kingdom
                        Courses: PhD Programme Subjects: Systemic Risk in Complex Defence Acquisition
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline 2 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Fully Funded, International, PhD, re search, scholarships, UK,

                        Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarship (NUIPS) in UK, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Newcastle University, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Postgraduate Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Courses
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 27 May 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Internationa l, Newcastle University, Postgraduate, Scho larship, UK

                        Do School Hamburg One-year Start-Up Fellowship for Entrepreneurs, 2016
                        Provided by: DO School Hamburg, Germany
                        Courses: One-year Start-up Training Programme
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline 09 October, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, german y, International

                        Janssen Pharmaceutica Scholarships for MSc Global Mental Health in UK, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
                        Courses: Masters Degree Program Subjects: MSc Global Mental Health
                        Eligible Students: Students of low- and middle-income countries
                        Application Deadline 29 February 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Master's, scholarshi ps, UK

                        Morphomata Fellowship Program at University of Cologne in Germany, 2016
                        Provided by: The Morphomata Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Cologne, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
                        Courses: 3 to 9 months Fellowship Programme Subjects: Humanities (“Geisteswissenschaften”), in the field of biography/life writing and portraiture/life imaging
                        Eligible Students: German and International Scholars
                        Application Deadline November 2nd 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, german y, International, research

                        TWAS-NRF Postdoctoral Fellowship for Scientists from Developing Countries in South Africa, 2016
                        Provided by: National Research Foundation (NRF) and TWAS
                        Courses: Postdoctoral Research Program Subjects: Agricultural Sciences, Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology, Biological Systems and Organisms, Medical and Health Sciences incl. Neurosciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and Physics
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 2 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, developing countries, Fellowship, Natural Sciences, Postdoctoral, resear ch, SOUTH AFRICA, TWAS

                        Teach For India Fellowship Program For Graduates In India, 2016
                        Provided by: Teach For India
                        Courses: 2 year Full time Fellowship Program Subjects: Teaching Fellowship
                        Eligible Students: Indian Citizens
                        Application Deadline October 27th 2015, December 8th 2015 and February 2nd 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Graduate, India, T eaching fellowship

                        STANLIB Bursary Programme for South African Students, 2016
                        Provided by: STANLIB, South Africa
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree (1st, 2nd and 3rd year) as well as Post-graduate Degree (Honours level) Subjects: Actuarial Sciences, Economics, Finance, Investment Management and Accounting
                        Eligible Students: South African Students
                        Application Deadline 30th October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Accountancy, Bursa ry, Economics, Finance, Honour s, Management, Postgraduate, S cience, SOUTH AFRICA, Undergraduate

                        Ayala Master of Tri-Sector Collaboration (MTSC) Scholarship in Singapore, 2016
                        Provided by: Singapore Management University, Singapore
                        Courses: Master Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: Filipino Students
                        Application Deadline 20 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Master's, Philippi nes, Scholarship, Singapore

                        RNCM Junior Fellowship in Conducting for UK and International Applicants in UK, 2016
                        Provided by: RNCM, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Fellowship Program Subjects: Conducting
                        Eligible Students: UK and International Applicants
                        Application Deadline 4 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, Intern ational, UK

                        PhD Research Fellowship in Formal Analysis Techniques for Concurrent Programs, 2016
                        Provided by: University of Oslo, Norway
                        Courses: PhD Research Program Subjects: Formal Analysis Techniques for Concurrent Programs
                        Eligible Students: Norwegian and foreign applicants
                        Application Deadline 15 October, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, Norway , PhD, research, University of Oslo

                        George Daniels Undergraduate Scholarships at City University London in UK, 2015-2016
                        Provided by: City University London, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Undergraduate Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects available within the School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering
                        Eligible Students: UK Students
                        Application Deadline 30th October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Computer Science, Engineering, mathemat ics, scholarships, UK, Undergr aduate

                        PhD Scholarship in Sustainable Energy Transitions in Developing Countries, 2016
                        Provided by: The Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development, part of the UNEP DTU Partnership
                        Courses: PhD Degree Program Subjects: Sustainable Energy Transitions
                        Eligible Students: Students of Denmark
                        Application Deadline October 30, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Denmark, developin g countries, PhD, Scholarship, T echnical University of Denmark

                        UNF Foundation Competitive Merit-Based Scholarships in USA, 2016
                        Provided by: UNF Foundation, United States of America
                        Courses: Available to first-time-in-college or transfer students Subjects:
                        Eligible Students: Students of United States of America
                        Application Deadline January 1, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Merit-based, Schol arship, scholarships, USA

                        Durham University Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships for Sport, Music and Arts in UK, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Durham University, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Full time Undergraduate Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: Home/EU Students
                        Application Deadline 15 January 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Durham University, EU, scholarships,  UK, Undergraduate

                        Transatlantic Media Fellowships on Migration & Integration and Digital Societies, 2016
                        Provided by: The Heinrich Böll Foundation
                        Courses: Research Program Subjects: Migration and Integration and Digital Societies
                        Eligible Students: USA and EU Member States
                        Application Deadline October 16, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, EU, Europe, Fellow ships, Media, research, USA

 2016-2017 Facebook Fellowship Award for Domestic and International Students, USA
                        2016-2017 Facebook Graduate Fellowship Program
                        Provided by: Facebook, United States of America
                        Courses: PhD Program, Facebook Fellowship Program
                        Eligible Students: International and Domestic Students
                        Application Deadline 1 November 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Architecture, Economics, Engineering, Facebook, Featured, Fellowship, International, PhD, research, September Week 4 (i), Updated Scholarships, USA, USA Newsletter

                        BGHS Start-up Scholarships for International Students in Germany, 2016
                        Provided by: Bielefeld University, Germany
                        Courses: Doctoral Degree Program Subjects: History, sociology, anthropology or political science
                        Eligible Students: International Applicants (Non German)
                        Application Deadline January 15, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Anthropology, DOCTORAL, germany, History, International, Political Science, scholarships, September Week 4 (i), Sociology, Summer, Updated Scholarships

                        Heilongjiang Government Scholarship for International Students, 2016-2017
                        China Scholarships for International Students
                        Provided by: Heilongjiang Government
                        Courses: Undergraduate, Master and PhD Degree Program
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline April 30 each year
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, China, Featured, Government, International, Master, PhD, Scholarship, Scholarship Schemes, September Week 4 (i), Undergraduate

                        ECU International Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: Edith Cowan University (ECU), Australia
                        Courses: Postgraduate research (PhD or Master by research) programme Subjects: All subjects
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline 30 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, Edith Cowan University, International, Postgraduate, research, Scholarship

                        ANU International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: Australian National University, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: India and South-East Asian region (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam)
                        Application Deadline 15 November, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016

                        MASDAR Institute Full Scholarships for Graduate Study in UAE, 2016
                        Provided by: MASDAR Institute, UAE
                        Courses: Master and Doctoral Degree Program
                        Eligible Students: UAE and International Students
                        Application Deadline 31 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Graduate, International, Master's, PhD, September Week 4 (i), UAE, Updated Scholarships

                        RSM Non-EEA Scholarship of Excellence in Netherlands, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Netherlands
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree Program Subjects: International Business Administration (IBA) Programme
                        Eligible Students: All non-EEA Countries
                        Application Deadline 1st March 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017

                        African Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship for Sub-Saharan Africans, 2016
                        Provided by: Government of Canada through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) and The MasterCard Foundation
                        Courses: Master degree programme
                        Eligible Students: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville),Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
                        Application Deadline November 2nd, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Master's, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, scholarships, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone

                        Facebook Creative Shop Internship In Germany, 2015
                        Provided by: Facebook
                        Courses: Internship Subjects: Creative Shop
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline Contact Employer
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, Germany, International, Internship, unpaid

                        Google Software Developer Internship For Summer 2016, Canada
                        Provided by: Google
                        Courses: Internship Subjects: Software Engineering
                        Eligible Students: All countries
                        Application Deadline November 30, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Canada, Engineering, Google, International, Internship, Paid, Summer

                        Curtin International Merit Scholarships in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: Curtin University, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate and Postgraduate Coursework Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects available within the faculty Health Sciences, Curtin Business School, Science & Engineering, Humanities.
                        Eligible Students: Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe
                        Application Deadline 12 December 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Postgraduate, Russia, scholarships, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Undergraduate, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe

                        ANU College of Business & Economics International Undergraduate Scholarships, 2016
                        Provided by: Australian National University, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects available within the College of Business and Economics
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 6 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, Business, Economics, International, scholarships, Undergraduate

                        Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme in India, 2015-2016
                        Provided by: Government of India, Ministry of Defense, Kendriya Sainik Board
                        Courses: Professional Degree Courses Subjects: Medical, Technical, Management and other related areas
                        Eligible Students: Indian Citizens
                        Application Deadline 30 November, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Government, India, Management, medical

                        Russell E. Train Fellowships for Master’s or Doctoral Degree in Conservation, 2016
                        Provided by: World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
                        Courses: Master’s or Doctoral Degree Programme Subjects: Conservation
                        Eligible Students: Bhutan, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Namibia, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia (Building Capacity in Wildlife Science and Management), Bolivia, Cambodia, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos, Nepal, Paraguay, Uganda, and Zambia (Building Capacity for Freshwater Conservation), Mozambique (Conservation in Mozambique), Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic , Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Fiji, French Guiana, Gabon, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar , Malaysia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Congo, Solomon Islands, Suriname, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia (Current & Aspiring University Faculty for Conservation)
                        Application Deadline March 1, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, DOCTORAL, February Scholarships, Fellowships, Master's, September Week 4 (i), Study Abroad, Updated Scholarships

                        CASVA Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce Visiting Senior Fellowship in USA, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, United States of America
                        Courses: Full-time Research Programme
                        Eligible Students: All Countries
                        Application Deadline March 21, 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Fellowship, International, research, USA

                        Visiting Research Fellowship at University of Cambridge in UK, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Research fellowship programme Subjects: Commonwealth Studies, including Commonwealth related aspects of archaeology, anthropology, economics, history, human geography, law, literature, oriental studies, sociology, politics and social psychology
                        Eligible Students: International applicants
                        Application Deadline 20th November 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Fellowships, International, research, UK, University of cambridge

                        Hjort Research Scholarship for International Scholars in Norway, 2016
                        Provided by: Hjort Centre for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics, Norway
                        Courses: Research Program Subjects: The planned research should fall within one or more of the themes in the Science Plan.
                        Eligible Students: International Scholars
                        Application Deadline 1 December 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, International, Norway, research, Scholarship

                        ICMS International Scholarship for Undergraduate Students in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: The International College of Management (ICMS), Sydney, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate Degree Program Subjects: Hospitality Management, Sports Management, International Tourism, Property Management, Event Management, Retail Marketing and Business Management
                        Eligible Students: International Students
                        Application Deadline 8th January 2016
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Australia, International, Overseas Scholarships, Scholarship, September Week 4 (i), Undergraduate, Updated Scholarships

                        NASF Scholarship Award for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in USA, 2015-2016
                        Provided by: The National Association for Surface Finishing (NASF), United States of America
                        Eligible Students: US and International Students
                        Application Deadline December 9, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015, 2016, Award, Chemistry, Engineering, Graduate, International, mechanical engineering, Scholarship, Undergraduate, USA

                        Rothamsted International Fellowship Scheme in UK, 2016
                        Provided by: Rothamsted Research Limited, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Postdoctoral Research Programme Subjects: Fellowship proposals must be in agricultural, environmental, mathematical or computational sciences, and must be aligned with Rothamsted’s Research Strategy.
                        Eligible Students: Developing Countries (Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Albania, Anguilla, Angola, Ghana, Algeria, Antigua, Barbuda, Bangladesh, Kenya, Armenia, Argentina, Benin, Korea, Dem. Rep., Azerbaijan, Barbados, Bhutan, Kyrgyz Rep., Bolivia, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belize, Burundi, Pakistan, Cameroon, Botswana, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Cape Verde, Brazil, Central African Rep., Tajikistan, China, Chile, Chad, Uzbekistan, Colombia, Cook Islands, Comoros, Vietnam, Congo, Rep., Costa Rica, Congo Dem. Rep., Zimbabwe, Dominican Republic, Croatia, Djibouti, Ecuador, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Egypt, Dominica, Eritrea, El Salvador, Fiji, Ethiopia, Former Yugoslav, Republic of Macedonia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Guatemala, Jamaica, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Haiti, Honduras, Lebanon, Kiribati, India, Libya, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Lesotho, Iran, Mauritius, Liberia, Iraq, Mayotte, Madagascar, Jordan, Mexico, Malawi, Kosovo, Montenegro, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Montserrat, Mali, Micronesia, Federated States Nauru, Mauritania, Moldova, Oman, Mozambique, Mongolia, Palau, Myanmar, Morocco, Panama, Nepal, Namibia, Serbia, Niger, Nicaragua, Seychelles, Rwanda, Niue, South Africa, Samoa, Palestinian Administered Areas, St. Helena São Tomé and Príncipe, Paraguay, St. Kitts-Nevis Senegal, Peru, St. Lucia, Sierra Leone, Philippines, St. Vincent and Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Somalia, Swaziland, Trinidad and Tobago, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Tanzania, Thailand, Uruguay, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Venezuela, Togo, Tonga, Tuvalu, Tunisia, Uganda, Turkmenistan, Vanuatu, Ukraine, Yemen, Wallis and Futuna and Zambia)
                        Application Deadline 14 December, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, developing countries, Fellowship, International, Postdoctoral, research, UK

                        Google Lime Scholarship for US or Canadian Students with Disabilities, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: Lime Connect
                        Courses: Undergraduate or graduate or PhD student who intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-­time student at a university in the United States or Canada for the 2015-­2016 academic year. Subjects: Computer Science, Computer Engineering or a degree in a closely related technical field (such as software engineering; or electrical engineering with a heavy computer science course load)
                        Eligible Students: USA or Canada
                        Application Deadline 6th December, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2015 Bursaries, 2016, 2017, Canada, Computer Science, Disabled, Engineering, Google, Graduate, PhD, Scholarship, September Week 4 (i), Undergraduate, USA

                        Hubble Fellowship Program for Postdoctoral Scientists in USA, 2016
                        Provided by: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (administered by the Space Telescope Science Institute, STScI), USA
                        Courses: Postdoctoral Research Program
                        Eligible Students: Citizens of the United States and to English-speaking citizens of other countries.
                        Application Deadline November 5, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Fellowship, International, Postdoctoral, research, USA

                        2016 TATE Doctoral Research Position on New Approaches to the Conservation of Contemporary Art, UK
                        Provided by: Tate, United Kingdom
                        Courses: Doctoral Research Programme Subjects: New Approaches to the Conservation of Contemporary Art
                        Eligible Students: Students who not have lived, studied or worked in the UK for more than 12 months in the last three years
                        Application Deadline 21 October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, DOCTORAL, International, research, UK

                        Aston School of Engineering & Applied Science PhD Studentship in UK, 2016
                        Provided by: Aston University, United Kingdom
                        Courses: PhD Programme Subjects: Vehicle wireless sensor networks
                        Eligible Students: Home/EU and Overseas Students
                        Application Deadline 15 October, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Applied Science, Aston University, Engineering, PhD, Studentship, UK

                        Hertz Graduate Fellowship Award In USA, 2016-2017
                        Provided by: The Hertz Foundation
                        Courses: Program supports the PhD portion of a joint M.D /PhD study program
                        Eligible Students: USA Applicants
                        Application Deadline 30th October, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, 2017, Astronomy, Bioengineering, Chemistry, Graduate

                        Bio-Techne R&D Systems Scholarship For International Students In USA, 2016
                        Provided by: Bio-Techne, United States of America
                        Courses: Baccalaureate, Graduate, Associate Degree or Diploma Program Subjects: Science Related Field
                        Eligible Students: Students Worldwide
                        Application Deadline December 11, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, International, Scholarship, Science, Undergraduate, USA

                        BBA Scholarships for International Students 2016
                        List of new BBA Scholarships.
                        Apply Now

                        University of Queensland Academic Scholarship Program in Australia, 2016
                        Provided by: The University of Queensland, Australia
                        Courses: Undergraduate and any subsequent Postgraduate Coursework Study Subjects: Multiple Subjects
                        Eligible Students: Australian Permanent Residents, New Zealand citizens, or international students who is completing or has completed Years 11 and 12 in Australia
                        Application Deadline 31st October 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Australia, New Zealand, Postgraduate, Scholarship, Undergraduate, University of Queensland

                        College Scholarships for Geology
                        Provided by: Varies
                        Courses: Varies Subjects: Geology
                        Eligible Students: Varies
                        Application Deadline Varies
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Geology, scholarships

                        Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program in Canada, 2016
                        Provided by: The OGS program is jointly funded by the Province of Ontario and the university awarding the scholarship.
                        Courses: Graduate Degree Program (master’s or doctoral levels) Subjects: All disciplines of academic study
                        Eligible Students: Canadian Students
                        Application Deadline Various Deadlines
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Canada, Canada 2016, Graduate, Merit-based, Scholarship

                        Bank of Canada Fellowship Award for Canadian Students, 2016
                        Provided by: Bank of Canada
                        Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Monetary Policy, Currency, Financial System Stability and Funds Management
                        Eligible Students: Canadian Citizens
                        Application Deadline 13 November, 2015
                        Apply Now
                        Tags: 2016, Canada, Fellowship, research


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